Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Bosch Won't Switch Between Programs Or Run

final Traca Miranda Group

Lucia with a Brown-headed sheep
This weekend we finished that was presented as a priori difficult year for the Group's Miranda has come greatly increased the economic situation led to take some drastic decisions in the end and the results have been seen as more acaertadas.

Part of our partners madrilñeños cun Poyuelo good deer of
There will be time to take stock and numbers but we must highlight the unique atmosphere that has occurred this year in our field trips, atmosphere that we hope to repeat the weekend of luxury that we have prepared for the auction.

Julian Outstanding deer in Barrainquillo

This Saturday hunt in the rain at Piggy, guaranteed fun with some surprises that we hope that this time it appears and spectacular shot Sunday in the campaign Piruetanar where we expect the parties to meet in style CONUN bunch of good deer and fallow deer, in fact I think the prizes to the best interests of the year are yet to be decided.

cost many sacrifices these Brown-headed deer!

Good hunting!


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