Friday, December 22, 2006

How To Make Snowblower Chains

on the farm

God is Good! in this December our guys have seen your kindness expressed in gifts and expressions of love run by different people, including Carol Ginter Venezuelan designer who decided to devote part of their income and time, to bring gifts to our boys and not only that, but take the word of the Lord is ultimately the most important.

With Carol Ginter and his team for the expression of affection and love for our children of light.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Swallowing A Safety Pin

Children of Light in Cadivi

On Monday 11 December, six of our children of light were to support the Communications Department Cadivi, whose staff is committed to our work, to decorate his apartment with the joy and the joy of Christmas, remembering the birth of our creator.

From learning to use equipment such as cameras, laughter, tempera, and lights to squash our boy could have a good time and interact with these good friends.

addition to having a good time with our young staff could leave some of the talents God has given them. Thanks

Cadivi friends and grateful for this beautiful opportunity and no longer able to assist them for free what we get for free.