sleep Exercises Vinegar as a home remedy
share this information sent to us by a follower of the blog, we've been testing some of the recommendations, but not yet all, so they decide to warn us the results.
Vinegar, has over 1000 uses and almost every time is more effective than any commercial product and much cheaper. Did you know that vinegar kills lice and can also cure dandruff? You can use toxic and expensive o. you can use vinegar!
a.. ant repellent. With a sprayer or spray, spray the door frames, windows and any path of ants you know.
b.. Against cats. Throw a splash of vinegar will make any cat approaches the area. C.
. Fleas in the carpet! If we think we have fleas in our carpet, put a small bowl with vinegar on it during night, the day we will find the bowl of dead fleas.
d.. Pet Flea . If our pet bathed with a solution of half water and half vinegar and a flea will not live!
e.. Fleas in Dogs 2 . Vinegar also works from the inside out. Dilute a small amount of apple cider vinegar in water will cause your pet will never go near any flea.
f.. Ice on the windshield. Spray the glass of the car with a solution of 1 part water and 3 of vinegar and the next day none will frost or ice.
g.. oxide. To clean rust from tools, screws, soak in vinegar overnight.
h.. cure athlete's foot. " Immerse foot in half water and half vinegar or pass a swab with the solution on the affected part (to avoid injury) and then keep them as dry as possible.
i.. Check dandruff. Wash your hair with half part water and half vinegar before conditioner.
j.. Remove warts. Apply a lotion of half vinegar and half glycerin apple every day until the warts disappear.
k.. Perspiration stains . Rub the area with white vinegar and then wash normally.
l.. Uncover pipes. Throw a handful of baking soda and then a half cup of vinegar. In a few minutes then rinse with warm water.
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