Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cannot Connect To Polwizjer

Holiday Monteria

of hunting takes a few months off to recharge his batteries and prepare for the season 2011 - 2012, see you in September.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

When I Sleep My Tongue Is Dry


gulf (left), lollo rosa (right)
Hello! And released from quarantine (the transfer from the farm), will begin tomorrow Wednesday packchoi planting, green beans, snow peas, cilantro and radishes.

We have for sale:
  • gulf Lettuce (pictured)
  • Lettuce lollo rosa (pictured)
  • basil
  • Chard
  • Chives Sweet Chile
  • Dill Tarragon
  • Melissa Mustard
  • Romero
  • Salvia Seedlings apazote
also tell you that we are testing a new repellent for now we have called ASAH (stands for the components), is for the yard or garden, if anyone wants to help us try it, you are ready, as always, that we collaborate only charge them the package and asked them the feedback. ; This is a good time for the test, for the transition, everything I write and if not there then we told you how it went.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Plastic Primer Paints

Blogs sibling of Tradition and Miranda Group have alerted me and I certainly realize that I have neglected the parish and I read them I took the liberty to continue with the input Fito has written so beautifully.

of Hunting In this there are many who are just passing through leaving a greater or smaller footprint and others less, we remain in it. Hundreds of new hunters appeared in the nineties who came Hand in "brick", the same that have been leaving corpses in their wake in the form of higher prices, corpses will be hard to bury. I hope that come the way the boat pigs and deer to the letter and that the consequences of these barbaric "hunting" not irreversible. And by the way look like they are also some organic and which today are few programs that have seen the light.

I believe this will be a fresh start but I'm afraid not, the hunt can no longer bear this pace and take a step back and now no one comes to me saying that if hunters are conformist and we do not mobilize or we do nothing for her, Monteros Tradition, Miranda Group, Montesa, English Monteros, Monteros Temerón and a myriad of groups but we face for this to go ahead, organizers also serious as Cowbell, Gescaza, Chamocho and some others are meeting to try to circle it.

I will not be judged as you have to make a living every man but to me, everything that comes out of the two groups previously exposed on the world of hunting. We do not want intermediaries or speculators or trileros, or those outside the world of hunting they ride, otherwise we call it but not mounted.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Semi Pro Camcorder 2010

lifted home quarantine

followers are very active blog, which we appreciate, because we do learn. Here a series of very practical advice. Witnessed 2, 3, 7 and 12, others go tested. take if anyone knows how I can polish stainless steel; h ace saw a few months, but not signed up, a recipe with baking soda, vinegar and I think a sponge.

1. Problemas con hormigas : coloque cáscaras de pepino por donde hacen su “ruta” los insectos o cerca del hormiguero.    
2.      Problemas con babosas : cortar pepino y ponerlo en una lata, cerca de la maceta.
3.      Hielo puro y limpio : hervir el agua primero antes de congelarla.
4. Shining Mirror: clean with alcohol.
5. Chewing on clothing, keep the garment in the freezer for an hour and then remove it easily.
6. Bleaching linen : Soak white clothes in hot water with a slice of lemon for 10 minutes.
7. shiny : add a tablespoon of vinegar to the water with which to wash the hair.
8. Get the "maximum" in the lemon juice : soaking in hot water for an hour and then squeeze.
9. Avoid the smell of cabbage while cooking : place a piece of bread in the cooking vessel.
10. Avoid dice onions mourn when : chewing gum during the process.
11. Remover ink stained clothes: Put toothpaste slightly over the ink, let dry and then wash.
12. rid of rodents: Sprinkle black pepper in places where they roam.

As always look forward to your feedback when applying the advice

Why Drink Colyte Quickly

We are calling morons


Nothing to celebrate


seems that we're lucky. The provisional dismissal of the case 'Ovidio Blanco ' joy has filled the streets of Gijon, and even saw some daring celebrating the source of Pelayo like a new athletic success.

Such seems to infer from the euphoric words of Town Planning, typical of someone who has got rid of something that has been suffering in silence, as the piles, for two years.

We say quietly, because this aspect of ' I already told "contrasts a bit (the minimum difference between white and black, go) with what is said when the smelly affair was uncovered.

case you do not remember, " reprehensible," "outrageous profit ", " hurt us" and others.

I'm not saying the decision within the meaning of the word that you want to, judicial, remove a load off the municipal Urban Planning. Otherwise would have meant too much explanation. But from there to victory half a stretch.

What do we celebrate? As the judge found no evidence of crime in the fact that a former staff leave your position and you shoot a mushroom to 600,000 euros on land that, by chance, were his.

as legal as winning the lottery, again and again, Carlos Fabra. In both cases, the feeling is the same: the same is not crime, or the same can not be proven, but it is as murky as a promissory note signed by Ruiz-Mateos.

addition, the stinking feeling that we are calling stupid floating in the background.

Worst to celebrate not touch the ridiculous. It seems that one takes the side of someone who has run off with ' the fat. " And on top is not going to stop or suck the champagne cork. As if to celebrate, right?

Published He Commerce him March 30, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Implantation Bleeding Have Small Tissues

follow in the search for alternatives for those who can not sleep. found these 3 exercises so they can choose according to their preferences.

How Long Will Deer Sausage Last In Freezer

sleep Exercises Vinegar as a home remedy

share this information sent to us by a follower of the blog, we've been testing some of the recommendations, but not yet all, so they decide to warn us the results.

Vinegar, has over 1000 uses and almost every time is more effective than any commercial product and much cheaper. Did you know that vinegar kills lice and can also cure dandruff? You can use toxic and expensive o. you can use vinegar!

a.. ant repellent. With a sprayer or spray, spray the door frames, windows and any path of ants you know.

b.. Against cats. Throw a splash of vinegar will make any cat approaches the area. C.

. Fleas in the carpet! If we think we have fleas in our carpet, put a small bowl with vinegar on it during night, the day we will find the bowl of dead fleas.

d.. Pet Flea . If our pet bathed with a solution of half water and half vinegar and a flea will not live!

e.. Fleas in Dogs 2 . Vinegar also works from the inside out. Dilute a small amount of apple cider vinegar in water will cause your pet will never go near any flea.

f.. Ice on the windshield. Spray the glass of the car with a solution of 1 part water and 3 of vinegar and the next day none will frost or ice.

g.. oxide. To clean rust from tools, screws, soak in vinegar overnight.

h.. cure athlete's foot. " Immerse foot in half water and half vinegar or pass a swab with the solution on the affected part (to avoid injury) and then keep them as dry as possible.

i.. Check dandruff. Wash your hair with half part water and half vinegar before conditioner.

j.. Remove warts. Apply a lotion of half vinegar and half glycerin apple every day until the warts disappear.

k.. Perspiration stains . Rub the area with white vinegar and then wash normally.

l.. Uncover pipes. Throw a handful of baking soda and then a half cup of vinegar. In a few minutes then rinse with warm water.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

West Point Graduates With No Demerits

Thanks! Lorena. We tested 2 products from 1 anniversary ASIREA

comments that courtesy of Lorraine and tried the soap and chocolates ASIREA. The chocolates-all-good-natured, certified organic chocolate, presentations with peanuts, mint, ginger and 75% cacao.

liquid soap in 1 liter presentation is made of biodegradable coconut amide, glycerin and biodegradable active ingredients. It has a sweet aroma in the house for dishes Product dilute 1 ounce in 15 ounces of water. It is efficient in what we seek in a dishwashing detergent, degreased, not dry hands well, I think the glycerin base. The soap according to the label used for dishes, and clothing.

again for the excellent and active provision of Lorraine at the end of this week we will send a parcel, so if anyone decides it's okay to make a joint request. Check out the products on the site and write me or call me to agree with the details.

Remember that change requires the world begins at home, anywhere else, and we have options.

Friday, May 13, 2011

What Can I Make With Mixed Vegetables

na Square Conceyu concentration of Gijon Gijón

Block by UNA-Asturias part of the merger on the Square Conceyu Gijon

Roberto Colunga, Daniel Fernandes, Candidatus al'Alcaldía voceru and coalition respectively, participated in the concentration in the Square Conceyu les 10:00, coinciding col últimu plenu of llexislatura. The main protest

referring al'aprobación PXO him to be held within 10 days of les elections and on the under numberoses duldes llegalidá despite duldes of education the irresponsabilidá politiques involving the adoption so as posteriormete esplicaría Asturies-A Block by nuna press conference. Na

protest had representatives of the zone d'El Muslin, Les Hamlets yd'El Cabueñes Muru. Na

protest at crawling distance was a group of people qu'esixíen immediate continuation of Colexu Jovellanos obres them, such that it was promised n'innumberables occasions.

Roberto Colunga destacó'l antidemocráticu d'Calter Fondamente this approval, while focusing tions Daniel Fernandez irregularidaes different
Management Plan d'
A les 11:00 hores nel Hotel Alcomar of Gijon, Roberto Colunga Fondamente antidemocráticu Calter criticized in the PXO " aprobáu Dies d'join nine elections and maneuverability mortgaging the next corporation . "

Tantu PSOE and stressed that a flight IX escontra Llanza alantre pa " approve more of mesmu because PXO estimate has the defects mesmos qu'el qu'anularon apocayá courts" need gobiernu pola municipal "pay favors, because clear Qu'est ta nin the approval nun respuende nin munch xeneral interest less the interest of the citizens of the city , "said the Nominations al'Alcaldía. Pela

so partly coalition voceru Daniel Fernandez said that "l'alternative 0, e nun s'aprobara dicir if nengún plan, including court actions nullify poles, place qu'en non casu of the recursu of Conceyu prospered, thing more than likely, it would already be illegal PXO "and criticized the absence d'argument pa develop the plan" because part d'join housing necesidaes manipoliaes and data that contradict oldeaos as INE.
l'action criticized na rural area or the elimination d'El muslin is based nun to nun s'incluyía estudiu xeolóxicu nel first plan, and qu'establez the instabilities of the residential area usu torga'l so, but dexa installing fuel tanks. Roberto Colunga

ended by stating that "one of them priority for Asturies Block-A reprocessing d'un e dende PXO na premises of civic participation and social ellaboración necesidaes afecha to them by citizens, non of them good builders " concluded.

Posted on the website of the Coalition Block by Asturies-A on May 13, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reactions To Waxing Eyebrows

Aranjuez Green Fair

As always share information you provide us. ___________________________________________________________

1st Anniversary Fair Verde de Aranjuez
On May 14 we will celebrate our 1st anniversary. activities are scheduled from 7:00 am until 3:00 pm, even after the fair closes at 12:30 noon. All are cordially invited to be part of it to conclude, by thanking the earth for a year of blessings. We will have activities scheduled for the day, bands will be playing and prepared meals available. We thank EnVerdeSiendo by Harmony help in sponsoring and organizing this event. The list of scheduled activities can be found at the end of the agenda.

Anniversary Activities

  • All Day - Sales and processed agricultural products (organic, handmade and natural), prepared meals - breakfast and lunch, crafts and exhibitions national
  • 7:15 a.m. Reforestation
  • Meditation and salute 7:45 a.m. the sun (Stage of the grove)
  • 8:00 a.m. Presentation Castiluche the storytelling (Main Stage)
  • artistic presentations 8:30 a.m. (violin and saxophone) ( main stage)
  • Green Gallery Opening 9:00 a.m. (Stage of the grove)
  • Circus Varieté 9:15 a.m. (Stage of the grove)
  • 9:30 am Presentation Tools of the World (Main Stage)
  • 9:45 a.m. Presentation Castiluche storytelling (Stage grove)
  • PaciFlora 10:15 am Presentation (Stage main)
  • 10:30 pm Presentation Parkour (Bosquecito)
  • 11:00 pm Presentation Burim St. (Main Floor)
  • 12:00 Presentation md Fusion Funk San José (Main Floor)
  • 12:45 md Rakachán Presentation (Main Floor)
  • 1:30 pm Dance Presentation Arabic (Main Stage)
  • 2:00 pm Presentation Neo Light Avanti (Main Stage)
************ ******

· 1st Anniversary Fair Verde de Aranjuez

  • May 14th We Will Be Celebrating Our 1st anniversary. We Have Activities MOST of the day from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00pm even after the feria closes at 12:30.  All of you are cordially invited to take part and help us celebrate.  There will be activities all day long, bands will be playing and food will be available.  We thank Armonía EnVerdeSiendo for helping us to sponsor and organize this event.  A list of activities can be found below.

Anniversary Activities .

  • All day - Sale of fresh and prepared food (organic, in-transition, natural and artisanal) breakfast and lunch, national art craft and expositions.
  • 7:15am Reforestation
  • 7:45am Sun Salutation and meditation (Green area next to food kiosk - Stage)
  • 8:00am Story telling Castiluche (Main Stage)
  • 8:30am Artistic Performances (violin y sax) (Main Stage)
  • 9:00am Green Gallery Opening (Green area next to food kiosk - Stage)
  • 9:15am Varieté circense (circus) (Green area next to food kiosk - Stage)
  • 9:30am World Instruments Performance (Main Stage)
  • 9:45am Story telling Castiluche (Green area next to food kiosk - Stage)
  • 10:15am PaciFlora (Main Stage)
  • 10:30am Parkour (Green area next to food kiosk - Stage)
  • Burim are 11:00 a.m. (Main Stage)
  • 12:00 noon Fusion Funk San José (Main Stage)
  • md Rakachán 12:45 (Main Stage)
  • Arabian Dance 1:30 pm (Main Stage)
  • Avanti Light Neo 2:00 pm (Main Stage)

Green Fair General Information

T (506) 2280-5749 M @
De Santa Teresita Church in Barrio Escalante 300 m north, 300 m west - in the Sports facilities in Barrio Aranjuez / / From Santa Teresita Church (Escalante neighborhood) 300 m and 200 m north west, inside the sports center in Barrio Aranjuez.
New Hours! Every Saturday from 7:00 am to 12:30 pm

Find us on Facebook "Feria Verde de Aranjuez"!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Riker Island January Visiting Hours

I Say + Open Days in the Plaza de Toros de Córdoba

The relationship between the world of hunting and bulls is more than obvious, a group of good friends who love both hobbies Cordoba have organized a conference at the Plaza de Toros de Córdoba.

The next Saturday, May 14, the Círculo Taurino in Cordoba I organized the Open House at the Plaza de Toros de Córdoba.

Such an event is simply to encourage "their way" of bullfighting.

Thus, groping organized two of four cows each morning and afternoon, as leading McFarland among others, such as take a tour around the square, signatures, posters, awards ... with the idea that all day the public can stop by the plaza for free and learn a little more this world.

also and make it more bearable, has hired a catering service allowing a site to eat and drink a beer between event and event.

is an ideal way to spend the next Saturday, also if you have kids, I can pass on this great and entertaining so you can start teaching them a little world of bullfighting. We want a holiday, for a good while yet and most of all, it is shown that the world of the bull is not dead.

Can I Transfer My Cpa To Florida?

UPyD meets with the Platform

UPyD Gijón Platform meets the citizen against the wall of Cabueñes

UPyD training has met this afternoon [05/05/2011] with representatives of the Platform citizen against the wall of Cabueñes to understand the situation and claims of the group advocates stopping vecinal.UPyD PGOU to correct unnecessary and environmentally unsustainable plans Cabueñes , Granda, Castiello and Porceyo and to promote a rational integration of urban and rural council.
bet for urban containment policies and the rental and housing rehabilitation.

In recent years the urban Gijón has become the center of public debate by the political and judicial winding road that has followed the new Plan (Teixidó 2007). Plan formulated in full real estate bubble and now the corporation wants to pass before the end of this term. PGO
unreal in his calculations that attempt, with some partial plans such as Castiello, Cabueñes or large, rather save interests compromised by the bursting of the bubble that the public interest.

Posted in Web UPyD the 5 May 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sinus Infectionanemia

16 oz black chocolate
sugar 1 / 2 cup cream heavy cream (chilled)
1 / 2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder Preparation

Melt chocolate in double boiler. (To get the silky texture of chocolate is important that the chocolate will melt quickly and evenly, plus the choclate pot is dry, not a single drop of water. You can paint the pot with butter or oil to be easier then rinse the pot.)

Once melted add the cream sweet chocolate, stirring with wooden spoon. Remove from heat let stand 15 minutes.

Pour the mixture in a flat container and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate until cold and firm (about 45 minutes).

Cover a tray with wax paper, place the cocoa powder in a bowl. With a melon fuck take a portion of the chocolate mixture, put the cocoa powder and round with your fingers. ; It is important to work quickly to prevent the mixture is melted by the heat of your hands. Place truffles on wax paper. Meter

tray in the freezer for about 10 minutes to give them more securely, transfer container truffles with cocoa powder, seal and store in the refrigerator. Variations

  • add a powdered instant coffee with fresh cream.
  • replace the cocoa powder and nuts, almonds or hazelnuts, chopped (a truffle is more colorful)
  • during the double boiler add cognac or brandy or sherry.

enjoy!, I'm sucking his fingers as I write.

Do not forget to send me your recipe variations

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blueprint /wooden Catiplts

The Partíu Asturian rural hear

Xixón Listening to: Rural Area

In a meeting with neighborhood representatives of the rural parishes, the head of the list to the City of Gijon by URAS-PAS Union, said that if elected councilor and has the capacity to do so, force a comprehensive reform of the General Plan that reflects the demands of residents.

from URAS-PAS also show our concern to the neighborhood leaders in rural areas by the current situation of many parishes (The Muslin, Somió, Cabueñes , Tires, Vega ...)

Cabana Margarita pledged to listen to the neighbors to get involved, to work with them and not against them and hold regular meetings, it's time that neighbors are present in the growth of the city.

Remember that the Partíu Asturian (PAS) was one of the few political parties in the town who opposed the General Plan and made allegations against him.

Asturiana Published April 28, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Beam Balance Practice

the operation was not chance or luck

Cabueñes Platform counters that " the operation was not chance or luck "The neighbors ask
as evidence" absolutely necessary ", which was summoned to give evidence to the Mayor and Morales


Judge Juan Laborda believes that the allegations against the former municipal architect are not justified and the Civic Platform against Cabueñes Wall remains convinced of the opposite.
So, in addition to filing a petition for amendment before the Court of Instruction Number 5 of Gijón, the local group is preparing to jump into the audience with a case "is far coincidence, as much as the defense alleged that the accused had just luck. "

Neighbors dispute in its application that the operation investigated, which are key players and the company Ovidio Hoyant White, SL, " was concocted."
And go back even to the conflict that the City had with Ramon Fernandez Rañada by the award of the General Management Plan (PGO) which drafted the team eventually Madrid architect Luis Felipe Alonso Teixidor. " Mr. White had much to gain from the exclusion of Rañada " says the platform.

that the PGO reclassified Cabueñes was overturned last summer by the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Asturias, which also outlines the neighbors in their attempt to dismantle the town planning of the parish. " not logic or justification consistent with the law drafter of the plan of wanting to close the city in the east. The affected area is totally isolated Cabueñes and plots centered Hoyant, the accused and the City "they argue.

The local administration, with a strong presence in this area Cabueñes, he even fights with a parish family to claim his inheritance.
"The properties municipal and acquired by Hoyant and the accused is guaranteed a 49.15 percent of a performance that was defined under the responsibility of Ovid White as chief architect, "evidenced by the neighbors.

platform ensures citizen be able to prove that White " left closed, before leaving the City, all the procedures that would ensure that the area where his Cabueñes plot be classified as developable." Even questioning the segregation of ' The Llosona . "
" The car is limited to simplify the facts " understand the neighbors.

To prove his allegations, the collective practice Cabueñes calls new witness evidence.
In his opinion, " absolutely necessary" that the courts acknowledged the mayor, Paz Fernández Felgueroso, the current Town Planning, Pedro Sanjurjo, and who preceded him in office, Jesus Morales. Request
also be referred to the Court PGO documentation or claims submitted by citizens.
Neighbors suspect the speed of the procedure. Published

New Spain on March 30, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Can You Mix Benzonatate 100 Mg And Theraflu

Monteros Tradition from 2011 to 2012

we already "alternatives" and "confirmations" Hunters of Tradition in its third year is without doubt one of the most important groups Monteros hunting scene. The will to give more camps, with bigger budgets and in the best interests to be charged but very few will have the taste hunter who follows this group of friends.

Things are doing well, that demonstrates the amount of friends who want to hunt with us, friends that unfortunately in many cases can not attend, this attests to the good health enjoyed by Monteros Tradition.

In early April was celebrated general meeting, closing just last week the program for the season 2011 - 2012, as you will see no introduction so the farms only have to wait to finish the spring and summer fast pass for us to be dressed in leathers on any gate waiting for the flight of a good piggy.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Iphone Online Family Guy

UPyD program commitment to stay and plan review

UPyD based its election in regeneration democratic
Avelino Alonso, director of the Ateneo de La Calzada, is number four in the list of Bartolomé Fernández


Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD ) of Gijón approved yesterday at a meeting of members held at the municipal center of El Llano, the electoral program which will go to the municipal elections May 22. Under the campaign slogan, not yet fixed, in "Make possible what is necessary " UPyD based their program on two axes, as explained by the head of the list, Armando Bartolome Fernandez, 'Overcoming parochialism as Gijón makes sense within the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bAsturias, and stop inbreeding policy. "

UPyD The program is also committed to "democratic regeneration of the City, the direct election of mayor and unblocked lists," and for "the revision of the Municipal Foundation of Culture and Social Services, who are already using a model outdated to be reviewed, "Fernandez said Bartholomew.

As for the urban area in UPyD program is committed to "the paralysis and review partial plans Cabueñes, Granda and Castiello " and party also is against the location of the" Black Week "on campus.

In point of economy and employment, the two basic axes are " improve the efficiency of local government to save costs and eliminate the subsidy policies and encouraging entrepreneurship ."

UPyD already has closed the first five positions on the list. Behind van Jorge Armando Bartolome Fernandez Uria, Paloma Virgala, Avelino Alonso (director of the Ateneo de La Calzada) and Mercedes Fernández Avín. Published

The New Spain on March 13, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How To Buy Naturalis Products

Cabueñes Cabueñes SOS uses the order of dismissal of the case 'White' White

The PP and 'SOS Cabueñes' turn the order of dismissal of the case 'White' and the prosecutor refuses to do


's counsel in the case PP 'White ', Pedro Muniz, in turn Councillor 'popular ' at City Hall, has confirmed to Europa Press has presented this Monday [03/28/2011] a petition for amendment to the Magistrate's Court No. 5 in Gijon, and secondarily to appeal to the Eighth Section of the Provincial Court of Asturias, against the order by the investigating judge, Juan Laborda, which is dismissed the case against former municipal chief architect, Ovid White, accused of bribery, influence peddling and insider trading. PP
addition, ' Cabueñes SOS' has also made an appeal for reform and alternative appeal, while the Attorney General has refused to do so, has confirmed to Europa Press the Senior Prosecutor of Asturias.

White had been charged in 2009 when detecting that had won 600,000 euros in capital gains from the sale of some land included in the scope of the Partial Plan Cabueñes, the latter used by the Platform against Cabueñes Wall 'SOS Cabueñes ' , which holds that the PP as the popular accusation in this case.

First, Muniz does not agree with the car to talk about corruption is prescribed inappropriate anyway. In his view, the case should be seen as a crime of bribery own, and that White had " decisive intervention" in the General Urban Plan (Plan). Muñiz has argued that as head of City Planning, advised and made proposals to the Department not only the area but also to Pau Lander, Madrid-based company contracted for technical assistance, and for which recruitment Soft developed the technical specifications.

also stressed that if he had done the adaptation of the General Plan to the Law of the Principality, the property in question had remained rural land. Instead, we review the General Plan and not an adaptation, which was eventually overturned by the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Asturias (TSJA).

is clear in its opinion, the former municipal chief architect was " active participation in an irregular administrative financial gain." For this reason, as a direct or indirect bribery, the prescription would be ten years and not three, as the General Plan was adopted in 2003. Muñiz has said that White did action, not being a crime, if irregular administrative receive a gift. "

As for influence peddling, has stressed that influenced both the Town Planning at that time, Jesus Morales, and in the enterprise Pau Lander. According to Muniz, is "very rare " that a company of Madrid will come to mind Gijón in the middle of nowhere to make seven-storey flats . " An action that implies the redefinition of ' The Llosona ' as buildable.

On whether there was insider trading, the PP argued that, although when the repurchased already know the progress of the General Plan, about a year before there was an agreement with Social Security for the transfer of several properties totaling 100,000 square meters in Cabueñes. Muniz said that White could assume that sooner or later these lands were recalificarían to give useful, so Hoyant warned, buying a farm next and then sell "a piece " the former chief architect.

In the latter two crimes are also ten years of prescription, so it could be judged by them. Furthermore, counsel for the PP has acknowledged being surprised by the dismissal of the case. " was convinced that the judge would open trial to decide other ", explained the procedure. According to him, the PP does not understand this approach to be evidence of crime.

For its part, ' Cabueñes SOS' has indicated that it remains striking that notification of the order on Friday and three days to appeal. According to a spokesperson, there is evidence sufficient to show criminal trial against the accused .

Posted in 20 Minutes on March 28, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Northeast Five Regions Map

is unable to explain the discrepancies of

Cabueñes SOS believes that the testimony of White is " promising" to be unable to explain the discrepancies Plan


The Platform Against Wall Cabueñes (SOS Cabueñes) stressed on Monday [7/3/2011] that the statement to the Superior Court of Justice Asturias former municipal architect indicted in an alleged corruption scheme planning, Ovidio Blanco, on the occasion of administrative litigation against Cabueñes Partial Plan has been "enlightening and promising ", not being able to explain the discrepancies in the urban planning said.

This has been referred to Europe Press sources Platform Who have pointed out that, among other things, White did not know specifically how different rates appear in the documents submitted to the surface property of the promoters at the start of the Plan. Moreover, the former architect did not give importance to the promoters have more than 50 percent of the property at that time.

also said the architect who designed the Partial Plan with White Camelia Coto, who according to SOS Cabueñes not materialized almost nothing, arguing that it long ago and could not remember.

Among other things, he has been asked by acknowledging his responsibility in the Partial Plan Technical Paper UZN-C1 University-Cabueñes / June 2007, if the Council was also behind the project, what were the percentages resulting from surface into the hands of the promoters in that ' Document' or why not carried out and expressed the sum of the whole surface in the hands of promoters, and this is the crucial issue.

was also questioned about whether he knew that that amount was different in the documents submitted and had different owners in the two lists presented. In addition, he was asked whether he thought normal eight properties change hands between two dates before and after approval, BOPA, the codified law.
also SOS Cabueñes wanted to find out what the municipal participation and if satisfied that the percentage of land in the hands of the promoters contained in the draft action was blank.

be recalled that the litigation was filed by SOS Cabueñes against the City of Gijon and promoters involved: Barajas SL Promotora Lomas, Reyal Urbis SA, SAU Beyos and Put (Cajastur), Moro Promotions SA and Inmobiliaria SL Playa Gijón .

White, or to declare as editor of the Partial Plan Technical Document, is pending the owner of the Court of Instruction No. 5 of Gijón decide whether trial opens against him for bribery, influence peddling and insider trading, having received 600,000 euros in the sale of a property linked to that partial plan.

Posted in 20 Minutes on March 7, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

What Color Of Curtains Go With Blue Walls


In The Trébere we like to do unique projects, bring something different to our literature VENATORIA. A year ago the issue of the trophy deer Jorge Bernad and dedicated to remembering that hunters and land only with the work of Ignacio Pidal Hunting in the mountains of Asturias.

Now we go to something as unique as our hunt, the hunt which is understood as the way out and ways to preserve tradition, as witness of an era. And that's the hand of Mariano Aguayo, longtime VENATORIA, literary and visual arts.

With Aguayo is a distinguished band of hunters and the Marquis de Laserna, of Borghetto and Valdueza, Mariano Aguayo Cordova, Count of Priego, Juan Bejar and Cesar Fernandez de la Peña, who shared with readers all their knowledge about the English hunting. The work is enriched by an extensive bibliography due to Count of Priego.

We are preparing the edition in two volumes, very limited edition of only 130 copies. Given the particularity of the work, if you, friend huntsman, decide to be in this edition numbered and nominees must print prior to send us your data and the receipt of income as payment for the book. Once this process will be included in the tabula gratulatoria addition to receiving the book at home that you indicate no charge for shipping.

Note: The specimens were assigned to confirm the order and the order of the tabula gratulatoria be alphabetical.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What The Best Speaker For 100 Watts Amplifier

Plan parishes Goodbye, goodbye

parishes Goodbye, goodbye


WHILE we are focusing on the towers to see if Poniente are more or less high, or the aesthetics of the whole plan is right track for the occasion, is a movement that will forever change urban largely of our rural parishes.

Yes, those wonderful environments near Gijón, believe me, not all cities possess and can not brag about it.

Last week [03/06/2008 ] knew how a development plan will definitely affect one of them: Cabueñes.
It is intended to draw a four-lane road that will connect directly to a branch of the motorway at Deva and develop no less than 254,000 meters square of land.
Similarly, both single-family homes will be located as blocks in height in addition to equipment such as, for example, a hotel and offices.
will understand that the emergence of all this change mean final set of Cabueñes and Deva parishes as we know them today, ie, such preferably rural environment, to move to be as urban as I do not know, or Viesques Montevil.

But apart from this performance, we also learned of another private initiative involving large. For the sake of a similar process, the parish known undergo a major transformation in their lands adjacent to the highway Minera. We therefore plan to relocate to another rural environment should be preserved for the enjoyment of citizens, making, simply, in a vial with 1,200 homes and some other commercial equipment attached. And here, if you ask me, the thing is even more ridicule, since the nearby parish of Vega, was retained in the new urban plan restricting their buildable while Granda, you see, it's up to digest all that urban galore.

The conclusion, in my view, can not be clearer: the rural parishes as we know them today will disappear. Do not quite understand this urban frenzy that makes the city grow in environments that should be retained as the natural lung.

Moreover, think of a centuries-old cavalier like Granda surrounded by buildings, or the wonderful array of the church, the source and sink of Deva with office blocks.
ask, is that perhaps what we want? Published

El Comercio March 13, 2008

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gelmicin Cream Information


Tras nueve meses de colaboración y casi cuarenta artículos con el Diario Ideal hablando de caza nos tomamos un descanso, dejaremos pasar la primavera y parte del verano para cargar pilas y en unos pocos meses Paco y yo volveremos a estar cada lunes con los lectores de este periódico.

Agradeceros el gran interés que esta sección ha despertado entre los aficionados y amantes de la naturaleza y por supuesto reconocer a Ideal esta gran idea de que seamos cazadores los que utilicemos sus páginas para divulgar nuestra afición, es necesario que la sociedad no vea la caza y the hunters as freaks and this is certainly one way to do it. Meanwhile we will continue war on blogs.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Can I Mis Creatine Pills With Superpump 250

Former city architect back to court

Former city architect returns to court without their case decided

Ovidio Blanco declared as witness the TSJA in the case against the promoters

EG Flag Gijón

Ovidio Blanco, former chief architect of Gijón charged in 2009 in an alleged case of urban corruption, still awaiting the judge's decision, but today [03/07/2011] must return to court. He will face the third room of the Superior Court of Justice of Asturias (TSJA) as a witness in administrative litigation brought by the Citizens' Platform against Cabueñes Wall against the City of Gijón and the promoters of the partial plan provided in this parish. Besides

Blanco, unpaid leave after asking the council drew up the controversial development plan, also declared Camelia Coto, the architect who also signed the document drafting construction posed 600 homes in Cabueñes. A new residential complex that would be promoted by companies Lomas Barajas, Reyal Urbis, Beyos and Put, Promotions and real estate Moro Playa Gijón, against which the platform brought this judicial review.

From SOS Cabueñes , also known as the neighborhood group that has spent three years opposing head-planned urban development in the parish, explained yesterday that the depositions of White and Coto come true despite "attempts " carried out by the co-defendants to avoid the testimony of the architects.

Specifically, the promoter present in November 1 appeal against them to call as witnesses for their testimony considered a test " useless", but eventually rejected TSJA on 19 January. It was felt that the neighborhood platform, as the initiator of the process, had requested the evidence it considered desirable, regardless of the evaluation that the court made after them.

Neighbors recall also still waiting for the owner of the Court of Instruction No. 5 in Gijon, Juan Laborda, resolved by opening the criminal proceedings against White or filed the case after being charged crimes of bribery, influence peddling and insider trading, all linked to the award of 600,000 euros in gains from the sale of land as part of the partial plan Cabueñes.

neighborhood platform also recalls that, independently of the criminal case with administrative law try to annul the initial approval of the plan of March 4, 2008. And, therefore, deemed "critical " the role of the two architects, drafters of the white paper, " contested as illegal under this part varied reasons." SOS

Cabueñes in this cause, has also requested several exhibits, including the requirement made by the City Council of Gijón to developers to provide documentation evidencing ownership of the land affected by the plan and, depending on the platform, there was no do.

Proceedings of criminal proceedings against White, which are also private legal neighbors and the Popular Party, was initiated in August 2009 with the statements of the defendant and several witnesses, as the wife of former architect municipal, former administrator of the estate Hoyant, Horacio Costales, the heirs of another member of this company, Antonio Cueto (Now deceased), and editor of the General Management Plan 2005, Luis Felipe Alonso Teixidor. The judicial process began with a complaint filed in June 2009 by the Office of Environment.

Posted in La Voz de Asturias on March 7, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Letter Of Volunteer Work

The City Council does not accept the arguments of the Greens on to Cabueñes

Gijón City Council accepts a number of allegations of Los Verdes de Asturias to PGO, but not on Cabueñes and Castiello

Though accepting to be kept rural Gijon, the City would not want to keep Castiello Cabueñes or rural. In the arguments requested to prevent the growth of the city occupying rural land, which in the opinion of the Greens, in the case of Cabueñes also favored speculation, as demonstrated by the enrichment of both the former municipal architect Ovidio Blanco as the firms that benefited from the reclassification who had purchased agricultural land previously. Claim

PGO Gijón

In response to the allegations made by Los Verdes de Asturias, Gijón City Council accepts most of them, namely

1.03 - The need to preserve the value of rural landscape, the Gijon countryside
1.04 - The need for provide and reserve allocations required for waste management
1.05 - Urban design must create mobility for the quality of life: intermodal transport, non-motorized transport turnover
1.06 - Vegetation in the city to moderate the climate, renewable energy and saving
energy 1.07 - Sustainability in the water supply and sanitation
1.08 - Reduce air pollution, noise, electromagnetic and light.
1.09 - Maintain and protect biodiversity, protect soils of high agronomic value, to prevent alien species resp 20110228

instead dismisses the allegations that

1.01 - The city should not grow at the expense of transforming urban land in rural and Castiello Cabueñes case, this model increases the ecological footprint and it is not necessary
01.02 - No land for development should be increased at the expense of rural areas, but move towards a compact city, promoting the rehabilitation
1.03 - The Plan as it is consolidated in real estate speculation and Castiello Cabueñes

In rejecting these claims the City is an argument that is not contained in the Greens or the allegation and rejected this argument invented. As the session was requested to exhaust the built in rural communities. The claim called instead focus on rehabilitation, to avoid second homes, avoid residential tourism, preserve agricultural land and native forest, and not to disperse the population, but opt \u200b\u200bfor a compact city favoring the minimization of displacement and promoting equity access to public services

The original claim says " recognizes that there are 7,098 empty homes built without use, which are closed and there are other 13,133 that are considered second homes, which will surely have a very limited use. .... Should be chosen a model with no increase in the undeveloped land occupation "

should therefore encourage the restoration and rehabilitation of existing housing, especially those built more than 30 years, using sustainable building criteria and following energy saving criteria, maximum isolation (to minimize energy losses) and use of renewable energy.

should relate only to demand real edification and existing homes to room, never the speculative demand, tourism or residential, so that planning meets the housing needs, discouraging while scattered urban development at the expense of occupying peri-rural areas.

in rural communities should reject the prevailing model of 2 second residence, with the increased use of vehicles and municipal services involved rigged, promoting instead the rehabilitation of existing housing and construction, as long as 1 second residence should concentrate on improving core elements within the lost functions, such as stables and barns.

should encourage the rehabilitation of traditional architecture, which now is threatened, and should respect the traditional style of buildings in the core. " So nothing do with the municipal response.
both are attached City Council response as initial allegations.

Posted on the website of Los Verdes de Asturias on March 1, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Round Blue Pill That Says L498


No, that I have not played the original, the title of this entry is matched with a program broadcast on Friday March 11th at 23:30 in Four , this will be a reporter 21 days hunting or doing activities related to the world of hunting ... knowing the level of preparedness of journalists who do those types of programs I fear the worst, but we do not get the band before we give the blow, we'll wait to see the film to judge. At least be interesting.

Furthermore, and although this bad to say on Monday in Ideal item of interest.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Best Way To Hurt Balls

and III

"... in the pitch darkness the sound of the screen confuses me and makes me hesitate a moment, such is the confusion that I doubt if the piggy is out for the breaches that dominated or more ago but my brain reacts and brings me back to reality, have been two or maybe three seconds you want the wire rang me up from the chair and faced the rifle, turning light to locate him about two hundred feet in the middle of planting , there you are! six months behind you and surprise you cross a trot pelao mess ...

The flash makes you step out but not run, do not know if age makes him indestructible or simply believe has realized that not worth taking, there have been many times that eluded the traps of hunters but this time it has fallen into one of them, perhaps the simplest, so you'll have entrusted their fate now that passes through the hunter misses the shot as happened years ago ...

Another waiting since

With the animal in motion the shot is similar to the launch of a hunt so I put the cross on his shoulder and shot, not dirty accused, locking and firing back, beef steak, the piggy is not troubled but it is becoming more skewed, a third shot and then runs away like a soul by the devil, a fourth shot almost ass and into the night stocks end with my charger, again silence and solitude.

would be nice if someone did a picture in these circumstances, the stupid face must be super-duper apechuques pick up the car and took them to where Rufus is waiting for me, I put her cencerrilla and took him to the crime scene, there I find neither a drop of blood, but not necessary, Rufus is one of those days when the Vulture inspired as he cracked that goal to Cadiz, or the slaughter of Ponce in Sales morlaco with Samuel, that was the day ground nose Rufus walked over a mile along the track, in fact I came to doubt him and when I turned around giving all for lost dog snorted I broke the stomach knots, the set culminates with a fight between the old wounded and unconscious macareno Dachshund that gap for the dog shot in the head.

Moloney very worn by age
Now there is cold, the sweat flows from every pore of my skin, I check my little warrior and I notice that you have everything in place and then I'm on my knees in front of my rival, I take my time, I cherish and I thank you for making me feel HUNTER, this spectacular animal is not very big in body, certainly has diminished over the years, the mouth is not just a single tooth or two good knives too sharp and a very funky worn for years, is very thin, some worms come out of the wounds he had in his mouth, was clearly a veteran.

When I went for John Henry and saw what was in the trailer are brought together in an embrace, his joy was as great as mine, this time I did way back with immense satisfaction, but as I write this I note with nostalgia a bitter taste, I never had a rival in that category and perhaps circumstances prevent me from having another as has been why has encouraged me to write this story and although I have bigger piggy this is my best victory. "

My opponent
PD day I returned the butcher following three bullets smashed the 308wm that had been housed in the arms of dirty without causing the slightest damage, only the final shot went behind her ribs and was lodged in his chest cavity able to stop the animal.