Monday, September 25, 2006

Pro And Cons Of Tadalafil

Light Bread Audiovisual workshop will

Friends invite you to see part of it was for our children and adolescents, video workshop given by Nella and a group of young people who were supporting him.
Thanks for your time and dedication, perhaps one member of our boys is a great filmmaker or journalist in the future after this experience.
Thanks to realize this for our children and youth.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Letters To An Alcoholic Of Encouragement

Martin Naval School Trip to the Beach

Thank God for the admission of Martin!

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Cultural Festival Names

NDLL August 2006 Vacation Bible School

Dear friends, brothers, followers and supporters of Children of Light, we invite you to join us in the walk to the beach, we had the last 13 Augusts, through this photographic tour. Enjoy the smiles, the children in the sand, the waves tumbled, games and other ...
Thanks for following us, pray for us and allow one or another of these special moments that allow us to steal our kids smiles.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

2nd Birthday Invitation Sayings

"Growing in the Word" was the theme this school year covered throughout the week from 21 to 25 August, children and adolescents in many ways could be nurtured and grow in the word of God. Among the activities were: film, print shirts, decorated soaps, making tassels, draw, make plays and do a little Bible which they placed each verse I learned every day.
addition enjoyed snacks and to close the week each child wrote a prayer request and all requests were put in a box and tied to a helium-filled balloons were released after praying to get to heaven and God Father
Enjoy reading Photos of summarizing this wealth of experience

Friday, September 1, 2006

How To Reupholster Boat Seating

II Experience in the Delta

last 3 years, some of the young Child of Light, invest part of vacation time to go and proclaim the good news of salvation to those who do not know . In these experiences, the words fail to tell the wonderful work of God to transform our kids them out of the streets and into nations.
This year we were only able to send 2 guys to missions, one of them was Jackson who was with a team of the Church "God's Wonderful" Sebe Janoko community in El Cajon, Delta Amacuro (12 hours and 1 / 2 Caracas).
Jackson, who last year sold stock in order to support their sisters, I thought about how to get a gun to defend himself and spent his days on the street at high social risk, now and then to allow God to write its history was to announce his service and his life the good news of salvation to children, youth and adults of Warao people.
"Auntie knew not much to say who told me I could testimony and what God did in me, "was one of the words that Jackson told me when he returned. The team with whom he shared and who cared for him said" he was a great blessing in this experience. "Among the work that Jackson was supporting are, stand in the Vacation Bible School, cleaning, working with children and learn a lot at all times.
beautiful is to see how the same children and youth who are rescued from the streets of the processors of the reality of our communities and those who announce the good news of salvation.