Thursday, December 23, 2010
Invitation To Restaurant Pay Yourself
has played the Christmas Lottery
our number ends in 0 as the first prize therefore has been graced with the withdrawal of 200 euros, which corresponds to 4 euros per ticket for participation. " quoting his favorite writer, "Menander "
("Luck is pitch)
and it seems that luck is with us, with all the neighbors and friends Cabueñes that we oppose the destruction of our people under concrete and asphalt. We give new strength to keep fighting. From SOS Cabueñes We dedicate the prize to "
Ovidio Blanco, former chief architect of Gijón charged with three possible crimes, bribery, influence peddling and insider trading, stemming from the significant gains achieved that by buying and selling reclassified Cabueñes a farm in the millions, because, as Sallust also another famous Latin writer
Every man is the architect of his own fortune
all graced with the luck that you please donate to collaborate with the many legal fees and all we are facing, you can collect your prize by contacting Paco, the treasurer, or any other member of the Directors of the Citizen Platform against the wall of Cabueñes or presidents of neighborhood associations and
The Pontica , and Anna Amalia But please wait a few days, which as you know, we have half Cabueñes flooded by the rains of those days.
Monday, December 20, 2010
What Does Cock Milking Mean
We've already made it back but we must be example for those who have to take our relief, the kids want to be the same as their parents or who they admire and why we can not disappoint, nor have the right to take away those who will no doubt be his best years as hunters, we are also winning pitch much.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Piece Of Skin On Tonsil Hanging
Platform Cabueñes City warns of 'illegal
The Platform Against the Wall Cabueñes
makes the City " a warning illegal "by the allegations made last Friday against the new General Management Plan (PGO). That alleged illegality lies in the integration of urban planning operations derived from the 2005, annulled by the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Asturias in more than thirty sentences. Keeping those proceedings, and illegal, means " a blatant demonstration of ignorance and arrogance
", according to the platform. Cabueñes
Neighbors argue that the priority document, which lays the foundations for the new PGO, "
in urban areas and isolated unconnected. Clearly, the generation of these islands gray generate impressive gains "critical. In the case of Cabueñes' is public knowledge that are allegedly linked to illegal enrichment and unacceptable,
pollute the whole process, "referring, alluding to the so-called" White case "that was splashing architect City until January 2004. Depending on the platform, Cabueñes plan is "shameful " and unjustified. And "there is no
," added the neighbors, " which is raised by a compensation. " They also object to the planned developments in Porceyo, Somonte Alto, Granda, Castiello de Bernueces, Peñafrancia or on the grounds of Mina Camocha. of criticism from neighbors not saved Cabueñes environmental studies that accompany the process of revising the PGO. " sustainability report does not address the requirements document (BOPA 5/20/1910) " emphasizes the platform, which also draws attention to " habitats of Community interest, which if properly considered would present a barrier to certain
developable. " In the study environmental impact, "
is meaningless." solution? "Ending the record " on Friday concluded its arguments phase.
Posted in New Spain on October 26, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
How To Insert Gas In M9
Cabueñes platform features the latest expert evidence on the case Ovidio Blanco
Platform Against The Wall
Cabueñes gave yesterday in the Court Instruction No. 5 in Gijon a final expert evidence explaining the evolution of the La Llosona. Cabueñes grounds successive purchases and sales which brought the complaint of former municipal chief architect Ovidio Blanco. This expert will be included in pre-trial phase is carried out by the court shortly Gijón and determine if it opens proceedings or whether, on the contrary, the case is filed. The test was requested and authorized by the platform last July. Over 36 pages, the document proves the classification and qualification of the La Llosona, object of the process, and establishes the parallel evolution of its value assets during the development of urban planning in Gijon, between 2003 and 2007. According to it, while the latter plan Rañada, 1998, provided for the property as "rural extensive undeveloped 'and assigned a financial value"
"drafted by the assigned Teixidor since its inception, in 2003 to its conclusion in 2007, an economic value "high" as "developable
El Comercio October 19, 2010
Scorpio Looses Interest In You
many shots from the beginning and many piggy spotted by all the posts confirmed that the stain appeared to be not only good but it was. 34 deer appeared to end all nice but highlighting a first line of very respectable 10 or 12 as the Alamo Francis, Paco Palomares, Manolo Marín and Pepe or Villén Tomy, 36 emphasizing the good navajero piggy Juan Enrique Vargas and 62 hinds . In short, a monterión where we returned to enjoy a fantastic farm where we hunt the dogs exceptionally well (it shows already on) and where the end of the Tradition Monteros returned to put his stamp of quality, quality People in this group that closes its second season, the confirmation, raising the bar in style.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
What Is Gna Fine Porcelain
"We are a collective wandering"
now trying to avoid a "mass
not have an office -" we are a group wandering
"recognize" but since its inception in 1997 have achieved many improvements that have changed the face of Cabueñes. The neighborhood association was formed The Pontica thanks to the efforts of Javier and Jose Luis Cifuentes Baizán " to energize and give a boost to the coexistence of parish." But the newly formed neighborhood group had to face a small problem since its inception: the existence of another association (Fontevilla) in the parish. "None
of the founding members had links with them. In addition, we believed that there was no reason for a parish only had a single association. Democracy is the plurality
"neighborhood leaders say the Pontica.
rurality "recall the neighborhood representatives. Thus, began to claim a series of claims and the arrangement of equipment and infrastructure, the installation of the sewerage system and, above all, restoring the source of Elizabeth II, which ultimately would be chosen symbol The association Pontica.
As they were making these demands, there was a rapprochement between the interests of both neighborhood groups of the parish, until today, which join in claiming the government team priority issues for Cabueñes. "There is no duplication interests. In addition, two different voices coincide often serves to exert more pressure on City Hall. And this does not much like politicians ", note the members of the board of The Pontica.
"Enter a sack " This union of two neighborhood associations is reflected in the current problem more worrisome for residents in Cabueñes: the development of General Management Plan (PGO) in the parish.
" Of the seven urbanized areas that arise, we have placed three Cabueñes. We have three neighborhoods and
three fall to sack ', denounced the president of The Pontica, Ana Maria Garcia.
So, remember the developments planned for the Alto del Infanzón, the area near the Botanical Garden and affected by the Partial Plan Cabueñes in La Pontica.
going to be a mass of people.
We believe there is interest from developers and builders "consider the neighborhood leaders.
Among other things, the association's complaint Pontica build four-story buildings in an environment dominated by houses.
"We Cabueñes came to live with a number of conditions and now we want to be respected. is not logical that a person living in a third floor to see what I do in my house "emphasizes Ana María García.
therefore do not understand that " in The Guide, which is closer to the center, wanting to make houses crushed Cabueñes while we environment."
Without cable or ADSL While the urban problems that occupy most of the time of the neighborhood association's Pontica not hide other needs of the parish, as is the absence of public transport. "We took the buses and line 14 on weekends. Our alternative was that some of the lines that reach the Hospital Cabueñes deviate from the inside of the parish, even to the campsite Deva "they explain. Finally, neighborhood leaders say they are "in the third world
" in telecommunications, it does not have fiber optic cable or ADSL. "And that we next Technology Park," says Ana María García sarcastically.
Article published in El Comercio on 16 de septiembre 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Breastfeeding On Endep 10
The lackluster of hunting was to two cars but when the meat became stuck in the mud and the weight of the cattle in the trailers unable to finish some armed collected until Sunday morning.
Yet the mood of those present did not come down and we were stationed on Sunday for our particular vengeance against time. 28/11/2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
How To Get Rid Of Warts On The Eyelid
As luck would have one of the most special days of the season will bring Tradition Monteros water cold and fog.
The care with which the farm had been careful throughout this time had paid off, the stain was bursting with piggy and the many deer that were in the gate were of those who like to kill, in the end, only water mist and tarnished something a great day of hunting. We waited until midnight to release the Rehal (and that at eleven am all the scouts were at their posts) still up to an hour and a half after releasing the dogs visibility was not clear and so far the hunters were unable to appreciate the spectacular piles of this property. Piggy 45 deer and 13 seem to us a short code for what could have been but the hunt is well and before that no one can.
A 10 for Rehal, teachers and carriers saw masterfully directed by John . Monteros
tradition once again demonstrated its expertise by putting on a brave face with examples like Pepe and Manolo Marin, and Tomy Joseph , Santi Palomares, Juan Enrique and Lucy ...
The stakes are high for Old Eras.
How To Fake A Pulled Hamstring
De los Desarrollos provided nes sheets per suelu urbanizable identifies SC.1 CABUEÑES SOUTH, SOUTH-SOUTH SR.4-and-PEÑAFRANCIA SR.5 infanzones
Allegaciones the General Plan d'Ordinance (PGO) Gijon
he d'ochobre, 2010 22
... Tenth There fellowships suelu calificaes Suelu Urbanizable as involving the promotion d'authenticate islles of desarrollu urbanu in zones qu'entá caltienen caractéristiques tole that are unique to rural areas that ficiere ENSIN a estudiu rigorosu and seriuos, sustainability criteria, the performances will be impactu Qu'est nel mediu and ENSIN nor is xustificaren nel Abondo Passau xustifiquen Nin agora, the fundamentals of this election. tions planned developments suelu sheets per developable sur identify SC.1 Cabueñes, SR.4-SUR and SUR-SR.5 PEÑAFRANCIA Infanzon are un bon d'exemplu it.
encaxen hardly contain their forecasts on estimated nel Planiamientu qu'informen particular principles and chair (as the Decretu 268/2007 of 4 d'Avientu) tola nesta performance art.
about principles such as "
complement other mediu the protection of environment, the cultural patrimoniu, arqueolóxicu and etnográficu ... and traditional formes d'them human occupation of territoriu. And do the same
ENSIN dulda can Medici, the fundamental oxetivos territoriu management so that pol interest are cited in full:
a) Define protect and improve the spatial structure of Asturias, in order to achieve a balanced development of its councils, its connection with the main national and international activities and their integration into the national and European level.
b) Improve the quality of life of its inhabitants, giving people equal access to infrastructure and equipment of all kinds.
c) To promote prudent and efficient management of natural resources to coordinate the economic development needs with obligations to protect and enhance the environment and the places and buildings of cultural interest and natural.
d) Ensure the rational and balanced use of territory under the principle of sustainable development set out in paragraph item b) of the preceding article.
e) Identify land areas that, by their current or potential suitability for agriculture, forestry or livestock, or its natural or cultural, must be given special protection and be subject to specific management development sectoral legislation, coordinating actions are planned or executed for it in each territory.
f) Integration of sectoral policies supramunicipal range with projection on the land when they are consistent with the model advocated territorial.
g) Any other action that, under the principles stated in the previous article, tend to achieve a balanced relationship between territory, population, economic activities, the natural environment, cultural heritage, equipment and services and infrastructure. "
oxetivos Toos they are fundamental to send qu'han l'polo planning activity and both were to be had in account to" plan
"the territoriu.
For tolo which he said, requesting sensitive close them Formulate, introduce them nel documentu clarifications and / or Changes to the estimate so bring, so that, as he said, was-and the oxetivos xenerales cumplimientu, according l'Decretu artículu 65 of 278/2007 of 4 d'Avientu, tend to have tou planiamientu.
of people close to them Xeneral d'Management Plan (OMP) of Gijon Nacionalista Asturiana present per unit, A-Gijon
, October 26, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Nice Words To Write In Best Friends Wedding Card
end of a controversial case
The latest evidence against White's plan endorses Cabueñes changed when he was chief of service of City Planning.
Cabueñes The platform
delivered yesterday [17 / 9 / 2010] in court last expert evidence with which ends the preliminary investigation on the so-called White
case. " And based on which they expect the judge "has no doubt for
open trial "against Ovidio Blanco, former chief architect of City Hall, accused of three possible crimes, bribery, influence peddling and insider trading, stemming from the extensive capital gains achieved from the sale of a farm in Cabueñes reclassified.
Expert evidence, accepted by the Court despite the appeal filed at the time by White's attorney, and that Ovid was a delay of more than six months in the process, "has been the presentation to the magistrate of all plans and documents that are credited urban classification and rating it had in the past years, the estate " The Llosona " (from which tore a small piece, "The Llosina ", which was the former chief architect achieved a profit of 600,000 euros), in particular, for the duration of General Management Plan prepared by Rañada in 1998, until changes occur following the General Plan signed by Luis Felipe Teixidor in 2007. The conclusion reached by the expert witness for the prosecution, who is an advisor to turn the Platform for Cabueñes
, Ignacio Martinez, is none other than the already known: during the term of "
. "
The report also includes a chart explaining the situation Ovidio Blanco in the city of Gijón, with which we can see that the person involved was head of the Planning Service of the City Council from 1992 until January 1, 2004, when he asks leave of absence. This period of municipal bonding includes a key date for the process, according to the local platform, that of December 15, 2003. On that day approval is dated prior public information document adaptation priorities of the urban plan, which already contained the great change that will suffer Cabueñes area and the transformation of a large patch of land (including farms " The Llosona "and" The Llosina ) of undeveloped to be developed. On that date, therefore, White was still chief architect. This has always maintained that the fact that buy in the year 2004 (when it was re-launched the «The Llosina" and he did not occupy a municipal office), at a low price, the said property (later resold and which generated a profit of 600,000 euros) has no other interpretation than a nice gesture by the owners' The Llosona ", which had benefited earlier in the previous operation of sale of that property. "I deny categorically that return or resale was a way to pay my activity in relation to the redevelopment of the estate " White said in court a year ago.
Ignacio Martinez lamented yesterday [17/9/2010] time has been lost until it was able to present latter expert evidence, and all because of the action against the attorney who filed Ovidio Blanco. A resource that the Court considered unjustified and what sanctions to be imposed to pay the costs. Now the platform
Cabueñes expected a quick definition of the judge in the most positive sense to their interests to declare the opening of the trial. Ignacio Martinez yesterday put a curious emphasis on "Dancing
" date that affects one of the plans presented in the expert report. This is the plan for public information after the priorities of the General Plan document, which despite having been conceived in 2003 when City to appear in court appeared not certified and it was noted that it was 2004. For residents, is "
a clear indication of the position you are taking the City: Do not defend the interests of citizens, but of Ovidio Blanco. Want to spend the year 2003 by 2004 is not trivial. Are the 15 days between that White was the municipal architect or an employee on leave "they argue.
Pictured above, the urban design plan Cabueñes as Rañada; below, the first design Teixidor plan, already in 2003.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Can You Get Dyshidrotic Eczema From Tanning
I opened this group of "Friends of Fontanarejo" their particular season in this beautiful farm in the Sierra de Andújar mounting the gate of "Vallehermoso, the illusion of the hunters was evident as well before the nine o'clock all were on the board breakfasting a plate of migas. Quick Draw and everybody was half past eleven in their positions. 27 posts closed the stain spread over the armies of " Wolves "," Rope "," Barranco de Ambrós "and" Edge of Lentisquillo "sleepers and" La Zarzuela "and" Vallehermoso. Although many animals passing in front of the hunters a good selection of these was that at the end of the day was folded 28 very good sized deer and 5 piggy. Meat on the board of the happy face of those attending the camps was a true reflection of the great hunt that had given the younger happiness lasted until the wee hours.
Cloudy storm warning and went back to the board hope to the high expectations spot to beat, and with good flavor that we had left the previous day's hunt. "La Parra" is one of the most emblematic spots Fontanarejo by the beauty of the gorges and inclinations for cattle at this time of year, for reasons that hunters were hoping a great day of hunting. Was raffled off early to avoid the downpour so at eleven o'clock they were at their posts the 27 hunters who occupied positions of the armies of the "Hill of the Deer", "Siete Revueltas", "Linde del Puerto", "Border de la Concepción "," Traviesa de la Parra "and" Track ", paper Rehal spectacular of which took their embodies many interests but the quality was not expected, so that the Meat Board showed a score of deer, yes, good deer.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Riccar Vacuums Vs Dyson
Monday, November 8, 2010
Cheats For A Rubic Cube
The Poyuelo
Paco and Santi with the quota of the latter
the extreme heat experienced on Saturday in the camps held in Poyuelo where I believe the hunters were the worst we had even so close this season with 42 beautiful farm deer and mouflon 15 6 Piggy, Santi Palomares demonstrated his skills with a very good fit.
Juan Enrique and Juan with some of the cattle slaughtered in his place
The large number of deer that the hunters were and left pass through their positions and the good way that takes the year we foresee a good season 20101 - 2011 on this farm.
The beginning of the end
Urban deer with
The Group's flagship Miranda does not fail, but this year more bottom canopy positions were somewhat affected by the previous day's hunt in the hunt New Coto was spectacular, 50 deer in a medium - high quality with 10 and 40 hinds piggy attest to the great day of hunting lived yesterday. Should be noted many deer and many positions but all highlight the great deer struck Julian Maseda, if there was any person in the group that is worthy of the deer that was Julian.
As just one example
Paco Bonilla is jinxed with his rifle on the evening of Centenillo leaves its mark on Germain, Fito and who writes them, moving mass in memory of our Samuel Vargas, war of eggs in the meat board of Barranquilla, the breeze the sunsets in front of the house of Martinique that will cove the bones ...
Julian deer
Now that we have a new hunter
Emotive Mass in memory of Samuel